

  1. Background                                                                                                                                               In July 2006, the first meeting of care givers towards the formation of GPCA took place at the conference room of a non governmental organization- Palliative Care Ghana (PCG). Those present were;
·         Ms. Mary A. Addo, Ms. Dorothy Amanor-Boadu (Elite Nursing Agency)
·         Mrs. Mavis Okang Afoakwa (Ripples Health Care)
·         Ms. Mary Opare and Dr. Stephen Ayisi Addo (Palliative Care Ghana)
The above two Directors of PCG were the conveners of the said meeting, compiled by Dr. Stephen Ayisi Addo.

  1. Purpose of meeting
Ms. Mary Opare; the only Ghanaian representative on the board of Africa Palliative Care Association- APCA gave a brief background to the meeting referring to efforts being made internationally to mainstream palliative care as a key component of health care delivery. She added that a lot of advocacy needed to be done to ensure the realization of this dream at the national level as a continuation of initiatives that had been started internationally. The need to establish national associations was emphasized at previous conferences held in Uganda and Nairobi in the past three years.
She therefore indicated that the main reason for convening this meeting was to create a platform for members to consider the institution of palliative care through a vibrant association of all care givers. This was critical for the growth and sustainability of palliative care practice in Ghana given the challenges currently facing care givers.

  1. Discussions
The idea [Though not original] was fully embraced by other participants who emphasized the need for such a body, to address the challenges currently confronting their practice, some of which were to do with issues of accreditation and regulation, limited access to facilities for capacity building in palliative care and a general lack of sensitivity and sometimes, deliberate resistance to issues of palliative care in the country at both institutional and political levels.

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