
Membership Agreement
The Ghana Palliative Care Association is a membership organisation for individuals and organisations interested in and working in palliative care in Ghana. There are four different categories of membership:

Individual members are persons based in Ghana, who have professional experience or personal engagement in palliative care either within a hospice or palliative care service or unit, or a hospital based service or an association, and who agree fully with the objectives of the Association.

Honorary members are persons who the Board of Directors so appoint in consideration of their outstanding contributions to palliative care.

Institutional members may be Private or National Hospice and Palliative Care Associations and recognised organisations/ hospices providing palliative care services.

Non-Voting members are individuals or institutions who are interested in and committed to the development of palliative care in Ghana but do not have operations in Ghana.

Draft Benefits of membership
The benefits of membership are varied. An important part of being a member is your involvement in developing standards for better palliative care. Other benefits includes: Voting rights at GPCA General Meeting, Eligibility for nomination to GPCA Board, Association’s recommendation for any eligible grant application to enhance palliative care, as well an up to date information on palliative care.

Small Grants Programme
Application Guidelines
Receiving a quarterly electronic newsletter 
Receiving up-to-date and advanced notice of events
Receiving an electronic version of the APCA Journal of Palliative Care (once              relaunched) 
Sharing and support from both the association and other members of the association 
Receiving other publications of the association
Reduced registration fees at APCA conferences 
Voting rights at the General Meeting
Eligibility for nomination to the Board

Membership form