
Workshop - Training the Nurse Trainer
Toolkit Report
Ghana Palliative Care Ghana - GPCA in collaboration with the Ministry of Health Ghana and funding support from Help the Hospice organized a Training the Trainer workshop from 30-31 July, 2009.

This was to disseminate Palliative care concepts, skill and to maximize capacity for practices in the use of Palliative Care toolkit. The training had to be divided into two workshops. The first was on the said date above and the second schedule for 1-2 October, 2009.

Nature of First Training
This is ultimately intended to improve care from the roots up in resource-limited settings.

This training was clinical in nature, since it was a Training of Nursing Trainers and observation by some other community workers.

The following were the activities carried out;

* Group discussions and review of the whole manual

* The training also looked at adaptation of toolkit to the Ghanaian
local conditions and circumstances. Edited pages will follow soon.

* Confidence rating scale and a summary of toolkit feed back forms.
Nature of Second Training

To complete the purpose for which funding was granted, GPCA is organizing an introduction to palliative care and use of tool kits, mainly for social and community workers, spiritual leaders and media practitioners.